Version: 2.4
Revision Date: 2002/12/19
Type of software: Freeware
Operating system: Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Required files: msvbvm60.dll, comdlg32.ocx
Download self-install copy
with all files: (968 kB)
without VB library: (225 kB)
EniG. Chemistry Assistant is an expression calculator for fast calculation of molecular weight of compounds by simple entry of chemical formula, and replaces the element symbols with their atomic weight. The program translates texts with chemical element symbols or without them into a mathematical expression and calculates them. The program includes functions for statistical analysis, solving the quadratic equation, physical constants, and prepare solution calculator.
The element symbols can be written in lowercase letters, and the intelligent routine in the program will try to translate them and will show the result of translation - or it will report an error. The appearance of mathematical expressions, which are the result of the translation, can be seen if the mouse pointer is held over the entry field. The right mouse button has several often used anions and molecules.
The calculator feature is a list with task history in that storing all of your recent inputs and results. Chemistry Assistant also included a detailed help file that containing syntax, usage, and examples for all of the supported functions. The calculator also provides a list of common physical constants and performs various conversions between English and metric units.
Every function that is supported by Chemistry Assistant can be inserted by clicking on the button with function name or by typing its name on the physical keyboard. Some functions are not associated with the buttons, but every function can be called by typing its name. Examples are available from Help menu.
For example, when calculating the relative molecular weight of a copper(II)sulfate pentahydrate, type
And the smart converter will translate this text in the correct chemical formula
If the chemical formula contains a mathematical operator (such as +, *, /, ...), smart converter will automatic add the parentheses in the expression
The next step is the change of chemical symbols with the molecular weight for each element
The last step is calculate this created mathematical expression
(63.546+32.066+15.9994*4)+5*(1.00794*2+15.9994) = 249.686
and display task and results
Since the relative atomic weight of cooper given above only has 3 decimal places, accuracy cannot be determined beyond that point.
Here are the sample tasks:
Every function that is supported by Chemistry Assistant can be inserted by clicking on the button with function name or type its name on the physical keyboard. All supported functions are not assigned to buttons. To view the complete list of the functions, go to Math and trigonometry functions. Function arguments do not have to be put in brackets, unless if it is defined as mathematical expressions.
Enter a number as a positive or negative number, and then click [^] button or just type ^ and type power as a the positive or negative number. Short key for power is CTRL+Number rising to power [^], (3CTRL2 = 3^2). The root is obtained by raising the number to the reciprocal value of the root (1/x); for example, third root of 8 is 8^(1/3)=2. Short key for root is CTRL+SHIFT+Number or ALT+Number (54ALT3 = cube root of a 54 or 54^(1/3)).
EniG. Chemistry Assistant is a FREEWARE software product.
You can use this program freely for private or business purposes, or distribute it to others, provided you do not gain any financial profits from it and provided you do not change the content of the files. The program cannot be distributed for commercial purposes without prior consent from the author.
Eni Generalić
Faculty of Chemistry and Technology
Teslina 10/V, 21 000 Split, Croatia
System requirements: Every 32-bit PC with Windows 9x, NT, 2000 or Windows XP operating system.
You can download a self-install copy of Chemistry Assistant with all the files needed (968 kB) or short form without VB library (225 kB). Unzip the files into a temporary directory, run setup program (setup.exe) and follow the instructions on your screen.
After installations the Chemistry Assistant folder contains the following files:
If you download the short form, perhaps you'll also need files MSVBVM60.DLL and COMDLG32.OCX. These are basic files for programs written in Visual Basic 6.0. If you haven't, download these files - 689 kB (version; May 10, 1999) i - 60 kB (version; June 18, 1998) and unzip in the c:\Windows\System\ or C:\Program Files\EniG\ChemAs\ directory.
Activate the Control Panel, double click Add/Remove Programs, and double click on the Chemistry Assistant list box entry.
You can also remove the program using an Uninstall icon.
Setup program is create by Setup Generator (Gentee, Inc.)
The author shall not be responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, which may result from the use of this software.
Should you find any bugs, or in case you have any good ideas on improvements, please contact me by e-mail:
Citing this page:
Generalic, Eni. "Chemistry Assistant." EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements. KTF-Split, 18 Jan. 2024. Web. {Date of access}. <>.
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