It is a generally accepted convention that the discoverer of an element has the honour of naming it. The inspiration often comes from origin, mythical characters, place, physical or chemical properties, and more recently to commemorate the names of eminent scientists. Of course, the suggestion has to be ratified by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
Newly discovered or undiscovered superheavy elements are often referred to in the scientific literature but until they have received permanent names and symbols from IUPAC, temporary designators are required.
In 1978 IUPAC Commission on the Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry decided that it is necessary to have a systematic naming for the elements with atomic number greater than 100 (Z > 100), even for those which had not been discovered. The Commission decided that these elements would be best named systematically and that names should accord with the following rules:
Number | Root |
0 | nil |
1 | un |
2 | bi |
3 | tri |
4 | quad |
5 | pent |
6 | hex |
7 | sept |
8 | oct |
9 | enn |
Here are a few examples of the names generated for elements with atomic numbers 101 to 900.
Atomic number | Name | Symbol |
101 | Unnilunium | Unu |
102 | Unnilbium | Unb |
103 | Unniltrium | Unt |
104 | Unnilquadium | Unq |
105 | Unnilpentium | Unp |
106 | Unnilhexium | Unh |
107 | Unnilseptium | Uns |
108 | Unniloctium | Uno |
109 | Unnilennium | Une |
110 | Ununnilium | Uun |
111 | Unununium | Uuu |
112 | Ununbium | Uub |
113 | Ununtrium | Uut |
114 | Ununquadium | Uuq |
115 | Ununpentium | Uup |
116 | Ununhexium | Uuh |
117 | Ununseptium | Uus |
118 | Ununoctium | Uuo |
119 | Ununennium | Uue |
120 | Unbinilium | Ubn |
121 | Unbiunium | Ubu |
130 | Untrinilium | Utn |
140 | Unquadnilium | Uqn |
150 | Unpentnilium | Upn |
160 | Unhexnilium | Uhn |
170 | Unseptnilium | Usn |
180 | Unoctnilium | Uon |
190 | Unennilium | Uen |
200 | Binilnilium | Bnn |
201 | Binilunium | Bnu |
202 | Binilbium | Bnb |
300 | Trinilnilium | Tnn |
400 | Quadnilnilium | Qnn |
500 | Pentnilnilium | Pnn |
900 | Ennilnilium | Enn |
Citing this page:
Generalic, Eni. "Naming of elements of atomic numbers greater than 100." EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements. KTF-Split, 13 Feb. 2025. Web. 26 Mar. 2025. <>.
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