To prepare 1000 mL of a 0.1 mol/L solution of AlCl3we have to dissolve 24.1433 g of AlCl3×6H2O (96 % purity) in deionized or distilled water. After the solid is completely dissolved, dilute the solution to a final volume with deionized (distilled) water.we will need to dilute 13.72 mL of 73 %AlCl3×6H2O to a final volume with deionized (distilled) water.
Transfer the prepared solution to a clean, dry storage bottle and label it. Never store solutions in a volumetric flask.
All chemicals that you are unfamiliar with should be treated with extreme care and assumed to be highly flammable and toxic.
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Generalic, Eni. "Preparation of Solutions." EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements. KTF-Split, 13 Feb. 2025. Web. 26 Mar. 2025. <>.