How to use a Scientific Calculator: entering expression, angle measure, number formats, arithmetic operators, positive numbers, negative numbers, scientific notation, parentheses, chemical formulae, physical constants.
Type your expression directly onto the input line or copy and paste an expression from another programs. When you finish entering your expression, press ENTER or click [=] button.
Spaces are irrelevant, for example 54 + 3*2 is equal 54+3*2.
If the first character in the expression is a math operator (+, *, /,^) then the last result is put in before the math operator. If you press a function button without argument, the last result becomes a function argument.
In trigonometric calculations, angles are interpreted as radians (default) or degrees, depending on mode setting (Rad, Deg or Grad mode).
Results can be rounded to a user-specified number of decimal places (max 12-digit). This calculator can round mantissa under scientific notation, also. For example, numbers rounded to a 4 digit like this: decimal number 1.2345, integer number 35269.0000 and scientific number 3.5269 e-31.
To perform basic mathematical operations use the following arithmetic operators: addition (+), subtraction / minus sign (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and power (^).
Enter a positive number by pressing the appropriate digit keys (or buttons) and, if necessary, the decimal point key [.]. Period and comas are equivalents as decimal separator in numbers (3,2 + 4.3 = 7.5).
Negative numbers are obtained by simple putting the minus sign (-) before the number.
Use standard calculator notation for scientific notation, for example 1e-5 is 0.00001; 1e+3 or 1e3 is 1000. Enter the mantissa as the positive or negative number, and then click [exp] button or just type lower e and type exponent as the positive or negative number.
Operations with the same precedence are performed from left to right, with operations enclosed in parentheses performed first. If parentheses are nested, the operations enclosed in the innermost set of parentheses are performed first. All types of parentheses are correct, for example 25.3/(K3[Fe(CN)6]).
Scientific calculator for chemists translates the chemical formula into mathematical text, and replaces the element symbols with their atomic weight.
The element symbols in chemical formula must be properly capitalized.
For indicating hydration you must use a + sign (CuSO4+5*H2O).
It is correct to type the leading number before formula without parentheses: 3*CO2 is equal 3*(CO2)
Clicking the [Constants] button expand of Scientific calculator for chemists you get access physical constants table.
2+5-3.25 = 3.75
*5 = 18.75
+-8 = 10.75
8+7+(42-16)*3 = 93
8+7+[(42-16)-7]*3 = 72
5*-7 = -35
7e-6/3.2e-9 = 2187.5
Pi/2 = 3.1415926535898/2 = 1.5707963267949
H2SO4 = H*2+S+O*4 = 1.0079*2+32.065+15.999*4 = 98.0768
CuSO4+5*H2O = 249.681
2**3 = 2^3 = 8
cos pi = cospi = cos(pi) = -1
acos0.5 = 1.0471975511966
sin(pi/2) = 1
=> [deg] => cos45 = 0.70710678118655
log1000 = log(1000) = 3
alog12 = 1000000000000
=> [sci] = 1e12
12! = 479001600
24% = 0.24
5*3 = 15 => [mem]
5^2 = 25
ans + mem = 25 + 15 = 40
Citing this page:
Generalic, Eni. "How to use a Scientific Calculator." EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements. KTF-Split, 13 Feb. 2025. Web. {Date of access}. <>.
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