Atomic number: | 107 |
Group numbers: | 7 |
Period: | 7 |
Electronic configuration: | [Rn] 5f14 6d5 7s2 |
Formal oxidation number: | |
Electronegativities: | - |
Atomic radius / pm: | - |
Relative atomic mass: | - |
Bohrium was discovered by Peter Armbruster, Gottfried Münzenber (DE) and their co-workers at the Heavy Ion Research Laboratory (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany in 1981. Named in honour of Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist. It is a synthetic radioactive metal. Bohrium was produced by bombarding bismuth-204 with chromium-54.
Density / g dm-3: | - | |
Molar volume / cm3mol-1: | - | |
Electrical resistivity / µΩcm: | - | (20 °C) |
Thermal conductivity / W m-1K-1: | - |
Melting point / °C: | - |
Boiling point / °C: | - |
Heat of fusion / kJ mol-1: | - |
Heat of vaporization / kJ mol-1: | - |
Heat of atomization / kJ mol-1: | - |
First ionization energy / kJ mol-1: | - |
Second ionization energy / kJ mol-1: | - |
Third ionization energy / kJ mol-1: | - |
in the atmosphere / ppm: | - |
in the Earth's crust / ppm: | - |
in the oceans / ppm: | - |
Crystal structure: | unknown structure |
Unit-cell dimensions / pm: | - |
Space group: | - |
Isotope | Relative atomic mass | Mass percent (%) |
270Bh | 270.133(2) | * |
274Bh | 274.144(4) | * |
Balanced half-reaction | Eo / V | |
106 Seaborgium | ← | 107 Bohrium | → | 108 Hassium |
Citing this page:
Generalic, Eni. "Bohrium." EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements. KTF-Split, 13 Feb. 2025. Web. 27 Mar. 2025. <>.
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