Complex units converter can help you solve almost every conversion problem problem that you have. The only requirement is that the symbol of a unit is defined in the database of symbols and abbreviations.
The numerator and denominator of compound units must be entered in to separate fields. Subunits in the numerator field (denominator) are separated form each other by space or by the multiply sign (*). Subunits can be valid symbols of units or abbreviations. They may include a prefix and an exponent (positive or negative). It is possible to define virtually any combination of units, prefixes, and powers. The prefix should appear before the unit, without spaces. Compound prefixes are not allowed, and a prefix should never be used alone. The exponent should appear after the unit, without spaces.
Note that the SI unit kilogram is actually implemented as gram. Also note that "micro" (μ) can be typed as an "u".
Click the SI button to reduce compound units into primitive units using only the seven base SI units.
Enter a number by pressing the appropriate digit keys and, if necessary, the decimal point key (dot or comma). Both dot and comma are valid because the Unit & Number Converter will automaticly change commas to dots.
When you write numbers in scientific notation first enter the mantissa as the positive or negative number, type E or e, and then type the exponent as the positive or negative number (-3.21e-6).
Conversions are done in real time as you type in your values. The precision of returned values is accurate up to 6 significant digits.
Citing this page:
Generalic, Eni. "UN Converter Help: Complex units converter." EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements. KTF-Split, 27 Oct. 2022. Web. {Date of access}. <>.
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