Calculator for Chemists translates texts into a mathematical expression and corrects the most common errors you encounter as you enter the expression into the input line. The appearance of mathematical expression, which is the result of translation, can be seen if the mouse pointer is held over the tasks field.
The program will try to translate the element symbols written in lowercase letters in the correct form. Calculator for Chemists will show the result of translation - or it will report an error.
Xr2O display Unknown element symbol
If an expression cannot properly evaluate a result, Calculator for Chemists will display an error value.
5/0 display Cannot divide by zero!
log-54 display Logarithm of a negative number
sqrt-54 display Root of a negative number
asin2 display Argument must be from -1 to 1
Correct the syntax. Insert the correct mathematical syntax into the expression.
3(8-2) display No operator before bracket
5***3 display Incorrect syntax
5*-*3 display Incorrect syntax
x^-2+x-7 = 0 display Error in quadratic equation
Make sure all parentheses a are part of a matching pair. You must not enclose arguments in parentheses
5*(15-6 display Missing right bracket ')'
15-6)*8 display Missing left bracket '('
Some functions have required arguments. Also, make sure you have not entered too many arguments.
log+5 display Missing function argument
log display Previous answer isn't number
Correct the spelling. Insert the correct function name into the expression. When you use an incorrect function name in the expression, the program will try to translate them into an element symbol and show the result of thetranslation - or it will report an error.
logr100 display Incorrect syntax
logo2 display 1.505133691971464 from :logO2 = :log (15.9994*2)
Entering an expression that produces a number that is too large or too small to be represented in Calculator for Chemists. Change the expression so that its result is between -1E307 and 1E307
171! display <Indeterminate number>
45^450 display <Indeterminate number>
Citing this page:
Generalic, Eni. "C4C Help: Troubleshoot." EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements. KTF-Split, 27 Oct. 2022. Web. {Date of access}. <>.
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