There are three main components of the display:
F12 key is the switch between different dimensions of the Calculator for Chemists. Use this option if you want to hide the calculators keyboard and show Display only.
Status line is displayed across the top of the screen. Each item on the status line is one of the following:
Number format
Angle measure
Controls the units in which angular measurements are interpreted: radians, degrees or grads.
The history area shows input data and answers to last two calculations. When the answer exceeds the normal display capacity, it is automatically shown in scientific notation with 15-digit mantissa and exponents of 10 up to ±308.
There are four ways to insert an expression onto the input line:
To edit an existing expression, go on the input line, use the arrow keys to position the cursor where you want to insert the character, function or constant, and entering that.
When you have finished entering your expression, press ENTER or click = button.
All the expressions you create are stored on a scrolling list for later recall. Press the ∇ button to display the task history and you can scroll through the history. The last expression is placed on the top of the history.
If the first character in the expression is # that means it is a command. With such expressions it is possible to change the number format or the angle measurement. You must follow the #sci or #fix with digits (0-15) specifying the number of decimal places, e.g. enter #sci3 in the input line.
2+5-3.25 = 3.75 H2SO4 = 98.07848 5! = 120 log123 = 2.089905111439398 alog2.089905111439398 = 123 x^2 + x -2 = 0 x1 = -2 x2 = 1 Al(NO3)2+2H2O = 187.0218986 #fix3 = 187.022 = numbers rounded to three decimal places
Citing this page:
Generalic, Eni. "C4C Help: Display window." EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements. KTF-Split, 27 Oct. 2022. Web. {Date of access}. <>.
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